 an'-ta-na-cla'-sis from Gk. anti “against or back,”
ana “up” and klasis “ a breaking”
Also sp. anaclasis
the rebounde, word-clashing

The repetition of a word or phrase whose meaning changes in the second instance.
  Your argument is sound...all sound. —Benjamin Franklin
The meaning of "sound" first appears to be "solid" or "reasonable"; in its repetition, it means something very different, "all air" or "empty"

In thy youth learn some craft that in thy age thou mayest get thy living without craft.
The meaning of "craft" first means "vocation"; in its repetition, it means "fraud" or "cunning."

While we live, let us live.

In the following example, antanaclasis occurs with an entire phrase whose meaning alters upon repetition:
"If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm." —Vince Lombardi

Related Figures

See Also
  Sources: Quintilian 9.3.68; Sherry (1550) 60 ("anaclasis," "refractio"); Peacham (1577) K2v; Putt. (1589) 216 ("antanaclasis," "the rebounde")

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Gideon O. Burton, Brigham Young University
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