 ko'-lon Gk. “clause”
membrum, membrum orationis

Roughly equivalent to “clause” in English, except that the emphasis is on seeing this part of a sentence as needing completion, either with a second colon (or membrum) or with two others (forming a tricolon). When cola (or membra) are of equal length, they form isocolon.
  Colon or membrum is also best understood in terms of differing speeds of style that depend upon the length of the elements of a sentence. The Ad Herennium author contasts the slower speed of concatenated membra to the quicker speed of words joined together without conjunction (articulus).
  Each of the three membra in the following sentence is numbered:
(1) You have not considered the well-being of the country, (2) nor have you seen to the welfare of your friends, (3) nor have you resisted your enemies. —Ad Herennium
Related Figures

See Also
  Sources: Ad Herennium 4.19.26; Sherry (1550) 57 ("colon," "membrum")

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Gideon O. Burton, Brigham Young University
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