English 3190A: Shakespeare


EN 3190A meets Tuesdays @ 12:30 in CSE-B.

Activate this hyperlink for an MS Word copy of the syllabus and activate this hyperlink for my fall schedule and office hours.

The 2007-2008 version of AS/EN 3190.06A explores a variety of issues, problems, and themes in the Shakespearean canon. This year we shall study the works in pairs, concentrating first on each play individually, and then exploring the relationship between the two. The plays include As You Like It/A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing/The Taming of the Shrew, Antony and Cleopatra/Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet/Richard III, Richard II/Henry IV Part I, The Tempest/Measure for Measure).

How you are evaluated

1. Tutorial participation/presentation: 20% (to be determined entirely by tutorial leaders - requirements will vary)
2. Two Essays: 20% (first term, 1500 words +/- 250 words) and 25% (second term, 2000 words +/- 250 words) = 45%
3. Mid-term exam (open book), in-class: 10%
4. Final Exam (closed book), formally scheduled: 25%

Required Text

The complete Works of Shakespeare in the Pearson-Longman four-volume bundled set, edited by David Bevington [ISBN: 0-321-36626-3].

Dr. Peter Paolucci
328 Calumet College
416-736-2100 x33846