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Whole / Parts
A method of amplifying or of clarifying by describing a whole and its constituent parts, or the parts that make up a whole.

Note: This topic is very closely related to the topic of Definition, but differs in that it is not attempting to classify something by placing it as a species within a genus.

Whatsoever is a living creature, the same is a thing, that either hath reason, or els [sic] that lacketh reason.... Either it is day, or els it is night. —Thomas Wilson

Related Figures
See Also
  Arrangement: Partitio

Subject / Adjuncts
A topic of invention in which one takes into account both what is essential (the "subject") and what is accidental or simply characteristic of something (its "adjuncts").

In the following example, one argues for the presence of the spring (the "subject") on the basis that its characteristic signs (or "adjuncts") are apparent: greening grass, singing birds, clearing skies.

I know that spring is at hand because, as the poet says,

"The grasse now gins to bee refresht
The swallow peepes out of her nest,
And clowdy Welkin cleareth"

Related Figures
See Also
  • Branches of Oratory: Epideictic
  • Progymnasmata: Encomium
    In speeches of praise or blame directions were given to identify the characteristics (or "adjuncts") of the person (or "subject) in question.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Gideon O. Burton, Brigham Young University
Please cite "Silva Rhetoricae" (rhetoric.byu.edu)

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