Speaking as someone else, either to bring in others' points of view into
one's own speech, or to conduct a pseudo-dialog through taking up an opposing
position with oneself. |
is merely an oversight," he tells us. "It is no crime."
But I say, when an oversight takes such dimensions as these, it is indeed
a crime. |
Figures |
Also |
- decorum
Because it is concerned with the finding words appropriate to the
person being imitated, dialogismus is tied to the general rhetorical
idea of decorum (which considers this as well as other contextual
- Progymnasmata: Impersonation
Sources: |
Sherry (1550)
69; Day 1599 97 ("dialogismus," "sermocinatio"); Putt. (1589) 242 ("dialogismus,"
"the right reasoner") |