epanodos |
e-pan'-o-dos |
from Gk. ep, "upon," ana,
"again," and odos, "way"
Also sp. epanadis, epanodis
reditus ad propositum, regressio
the figure of retire, regression |
- Repeating the main terms of an argument in the course of presenting
- Returning to the main theme after a digression
- Returning to and providing additional detail for items mentioned previously
(often using parallelism).
Puttenham provides this example of epanodos:
Love, hope,
and death, do stir in me such strife,
As never man but I led such a life:
For burning love doth wound my heart to death:
And when death comes at call of inward grief,
Cold lingering hope doth feed my fainting
Against my will, and yields my wound relief,
So that I live, and yet my life is such:
As never death could grieve me half so much
Related Figures
Related Topics of Invention
9.3.35; Melanch. IR d2r ("regressio" "epanodos"
); Peacham (1577) S1r (#1); Fraunce (1588) 1.23 ("epanodos," "regression");
Putt. (1589) 229 (#1"epanodis," "the figure of retire"); Day 1599
92 (#1"epanodis"); Hoskins (1599)14 |