hendiadys hendiadys
 hen-di'-a-dis from Gk. hen, "one" dia, "through" dis, "two" ("one by means of two")
Also sp. hendyadis, endiadis, endiaduz
figure of twinnes, two for one

Expressing a single idea by two nouns instead of a noun and its qualifier. A method of amplification that adds force.
He came despite the rain and weather.
Instead of "He came despite the rainy weather"

The distinction and presence of the dignitary moved his audience.
By separating the term “distinctive presence” into “distinction and presence,” the speaker accentuates the adjective by transforming it into a noun. Were the separation not made, the modifier would be combined with its object and lose some of its potency.

Related Figures
  • anthimeria
    Hendiadys can be considered a specific application of anthimeria, the more general term indicating the substitution of one part of speech for another.
  • polysyndeton
    Hendiadys increases the use of conjunctions in a sentence in the very act of transforming an adjective-noun combination into two nouns.
  • paradiastole
    Making an adjective a noun changes it from a subordinate to an ordinate or parallel position, inviting one to consider the nouns as related but distinct. Like hendiadys, paradiastole divides out and distinguishes terms normally considered completely consistent with one another.
  • Figures of Division
Related Topics of Invention

  • Division
    Hendiadys demonstrates the rhetorical force of division. In this case, dividing the adjective from the noun it modifies establishes a parity between the two resulting nouns that seems to double the meaning, rather than simply qualify it.

See Also

  • Amplification
    Hendiadys amplifies both the length and the force of the thought and provides a novel method of varying speech.
  Sources: Peacham (1577) H4r; Putt. (1589) 188 ("endiadis," "figure of twinnes"); Day 1599 83

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Gideon O. Burton, Brigham Young University
Please cite "Silva Rhetoricae" (rhetoric.byu.edu)

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