parabola |
par-ab'-o-la |
from para “beside” and ballein
“to throw or cast”
similitude, comparison, resemblance misticall |
The explicit drawing of a parallel between two essentially
dissimilar things, especially with a moral or didactic purpose. A parable.
Parabola can be considered a type of metaphor
or simile, or allegory
(within its more constrained meaning). Bede refers to this figure, along
with paradigma and icon,
as kinds of homoeosis.
Related Figures
Related Topics of Invention
Bede 618; Sherry (1550) 90 ("parabole,"
"similitude," "comparicon"); Peacham (1577) U2r; Putt. (1589) 251 ("parabola,"
"resemblance misticall")