paralipsis |
par-a-lip'-sis |
from Gk. para, "side" and
leipein, "to leave"
("to leave to one side")
Also sp. paraleipsis, paralepsis
antiphrasis, parasiopesis
occultatio, occupatio,
praeteritio, preteritio, praetermissio
the passager, preterition |
Stating and drawing attention to something in the very act
of pretending to pass it over. A kind of irony.
It would be unseemly for me to dwell on Senator Kennedy's drinking
problem, and too many have already sensationalized his womanizing...
Melville's narrator of Moby Dick,
Ishmael, manages to characterize Queequeg in the very act of stating
he will pass over such details:
We will not speak of all Queequeg's peculiarities here; how he eschewed
coffee and hot rolls, and applied his undivided attention to beefsteaks,
done rare. —Moby Dick "Breakfast"
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Related Topics of Invention
Sources: Ad
Herennium 4.27.37 ("occultatio"); Aquil. 8
("paraleipsis," "praeteritio"); Melanch. IR d2v ("praeteritio"
"paralipsis" "occupatio"); Sherry (1550) 59 ("paralepsis,"
"occupatio," "occupacion"); Peacham (1577) S2v ("preteritio"); Putt. (1589)
239 ("paralepsis," "the passager"); Day 1599 95 ("paralepsis," "occupatio")