Repeating the same word variously throughout a sentence or thought. |
Some authorities
restrict traductio further to mean repeating the same word but with a
different meaning (see ploce, antanaclasis,
and diaphora), or in a different form
(=polyptoton. See Puttenham). If the
repeated word occurs in parallel fashion at the beginnings of phrases
or clauses, it becomes anaphora; at the
endings of phrases or clauses, epistrophe.
A person who
has nothing more in life to be desired than life itself
is incapable of cultivating a virtuous life. Ad Herennium |
Figures |
Sources: |
Ad Herennium 4.14.20 (both the general and the more restricted senses);
Sherry (1550) 48 ("epanodus," "traduccio," "traduccion"); Peacham (1577)
I3v; Putt. (1589) 213 ("traductio," "the tranlacer") |