First published in 1519 or 1521, the Institutiones
Rhetorices was a brief handbook of rhetoric (some 60 small pages).
Seel also the more developed rhetoric, Elementorum
Rhetorices libri duo (1531).
The Institutiones reflects Melanchthon's immersion in dialectic,
a subject upon which he had broadly published. This is evident in the
fact that Melanchthon adds Judgment to the conventinoal canons of Invention,
Arrangement, and Style.
Invention (a2r-b5r)
The first part of this short book is devoted to invention, where Melanchthon
outlines the appropriate parts of an oration and the fitting topics of
invention for each of four kinds of cases (Melanchthon adds "dialectical"
oratory to the standard three kinds of causes or themes: demonstrative,
deliberative, and judicial). He also outlines topics of invention of a
more general nature that can be applied in any speech, referring readers
to Erasmus's De copia for instruction in employing these, and
then explicitly drawing his list of topics from Rudolph Agricola. They
include some 60 such general themes as God, Nature, Life, Age, Virtue,
Justice, Piety, Lust, Shame Pain, Hope, Anger, Friendship, Truth, War,
Peace, Gold, Tyranny, etc.
Arrangement (b5r-b5v)
Mentioned briefly are the standard parts
of an oration: exordium, narratio, confirmatio, confutatio, peroratio.
These have essentially been dealt with in detail under each of the kinds
of cases in the first section on invention.
Style (b5v-d6r)
The balance of this small rhetoric is devoted to style. Melanchthon generally
defers to Quintilian and Cicero, and includes the following sections and
Levels of Style ("character orationis")
Ornamentation (b6r-b7v)
Figures of words (figurae verborum)
Figures of thought (figurae sententiarum)
Despite opening with this standard two-fold division of figures, Melanchthon
proceeds within this section to set forth three separate divisions of
- Figures of words
- Figures of discourse
- Figures of amplification
These include those figures which "do not so much ornament as they
augment" or amplify a discourse (b7r) such as distributio
Grammatical Figures (b7v-b8r)
Melanchthon refers to Donatus or the tables of Mosellanus for more information
on these figures, but briefly mentions the categories of orthographical
or syntactical figures
Tropes (b8r-c1v)
Melanchthon divides tropes into those of words and of discourse (dictionum
and orationis)
Tropes of Words (dictionum tropos) |
metaphor |
translatio |
synecdoche |
intellectio |
metonymia |
transnominatio |
antonomasia |
permutatio nominis |
onomatopoeia |
nominis confictio |
catachresis |
abusio |
metalepsis |
transsumptio |
Tropes of Discourse (de tropis orationis)
(c1v-c4r) |
allegoria |
aenigma |
paroemia |
adagium |
ironia |
illusio |
sarcasmos |
astismus |
mycterismus |
antiphrasis |
charientismus |
hyberbole |
parabola |
paradigma |
Grammatical Schemes (c4v-c5r) |
prolepsis |
zeugma |
syllepsis |
synthesis |
synecdoche |
antiptosis |
hyperbaton |
Rhetorical Schemes (c5r-c7r) |
repetitio |
epanaphora (acc. Aquila)
epiloge (acc. Rutilius) |
epanadiplosis (Sulipitius Victor) |
conversio (Cicero)
epiphora (Rutilius) |
epizeugxis |
complexio |
symploce |
copulatio |
antistasis |
traductio |
tautologia; ploce |
articulus |
cp. polysyndeton |
similiter cadens |
similiter desinens
homoioteleuton |
hypallage |
agnominatio |
paronomasia |
antanaclasis |
eclepsis |
anantapodota |
aposiopesis |
reticentia |
Figures of Thought (Figurae Sententiarum)
(c7r-c8v) |
interrogatio |
pysma |
subiectio |
antisagoge |
exclamatio |
cf adhortatio, pathopoeia, areia |
dubitatio |
aporia |
paradoxum |
inopinatum |
communicatio |
anacoenosis |
permissio |
licentia |
aversio |
prosopopoeia |
Figures of Amplification (c8v-d6r) |
These figures, Melanchthon explains, pertain to copia
of speech. He references Erasmus's De copia for further instruction.Like
Erasmus, he couples amplification with strategies of abbreviation
or attenuation. |
Amplification of single words |
auxesis |
(augmenting the meaning of a term) |
tapeinosis, meiosis (diminutio) |
(extenuating or downplaying) |
Grammatical forms of amplification |
interpretatio |
synonymia, congeries |
incrementum |
gradatio |
climax |
congeries |
synathroesmus, epitrochasmus |
contentio |
contrarium, antithesis |
commutatio |
synoeciosis |
regressio |
Forms of Responding |
anthypophora |
antisagoge |
praeteritio |
pralipsis, occupatio
praesumptio |
procatalipsis |
transitio |
metabasis |
correctio |
epanorthosis, metanoeia |
interpositio |
parenthesis |
reiectio |
apodioxis |
caussa |
aitiologia |
confessio |
paromologia |
dicaeologia |
anangeon |
finitio |
horismus |
effictio |
hypotyposis |
expolitio |
kata synonymia |
distributio |
merismus |
divisio |
dialysis |
Personarum fictio |
dialogismus / sermocinatio
chronographia |
comparatio |
eikones (icon) |
sententia |
apophthegmata / chriseis (chreia) |
acclamatio |
epiphonema |
clausula |
noema |
adfectus |
pathopoeia |