Juan Luis Vives De Ratione Dicendi (Bruges, 1532) in Opera Omnia, ed. Gregorio Mayans ý Siscar (Valencia, 1782), 2.93-297 |
Juan Luis Vives(1492-1540), the Spanish tutor to Mary Tudor, was a humanist educator whose importance rivaled that of his master, Erasmus. He was well known in the Renaissance for his various educational treatises, including not only the De ratione dicendi, but De institutione feminae christianae (on the education of christian women); De ratione studii puerilis (1523) and Introductio ad sapientiam (Bruges, 1524), brief educational works, and his Linguae latinae exercitatio (Bruges, 1538), schoolroom colloquies for learning Latin that competed well with those of Erasmus and Corderius. Compact Outline:
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