hysterologia hysterologia
 his-ter-o-lo'-gi-a from Gk. histeros, "later" and logia, "speech"
prepostera loquutio

A form of hyperbaton or parenthesis in which one interposes a phrase between a preposition and its object.
  Also, a snynonym for hysteron proteron (see Sherry).
  The interrupting material in the following sentence is bolded:
I jumped into with as much enthusiasm as a teenager has hormones my speech on abstinence.
Related Figures
  Schemes of grammatical construction
  Sources: Bede 614 Sherry (1550) 31 ("hysterologia," "prepostera loquutio")

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Gideon O. Burton, Brigham Young University
Please cite "Silva Rhetoricae" (rhetoric.byu.edu)

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