aporia aporia
 a-po'-ri-a from Gk. aporos “without a passage”
addubitatio, dubitatio
addubitation, doubht, the doubtfull

Deliberating with oneself as though in doubt over some matter; asking oneself (or rhetorically asking one's hearers) what is the best or appropriate way to approach something.
  Where shall I begin to describe her wisdom? In her knowledge of facts? In her ability to synthesize diverse matters? In her capacity to articulate complex ideas simply?
Related Figures

See Also

  Sources: Ad Herennium 4.29.40 ("dubitatio"); Quintilian 9.2.19 ("dubitatio"); Aquil. 10 ("diaporesis," "addubitatio"); Melanch. IR C7v-C8r ("dubitatio" "aporia"); Sherry (1550) 54 ("aporia," "dubitatio," "dubitacion"); Peacham (1577) M1v; Putt. (1589) 234 ("aporia," "the doubtfull"); Day 1599 89 ("aporia," "dubitatio")

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Gideon O. Burton, Brigham Young University
Please cite "Silva Rhetoricae" (rhetoric.byu.edu)

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