paradox |
pa'-ra-dox |
from Gk. para, "past, contrary
to" and doxa, "opinion"
paradoxon, paradoxum
wondrer |
- A statement that is self-contradictory on the surface,
yet seems to evoke a truth nonetheless.
Whosoever loses his life, shall find it.
- = inopinatum. The
expression of one's inability to believe or conceive of something; a
type of faux wondering). As such, this kind of paradox is much like
aporia and functions much like a rhetorical
question or erotema.
It seems impossible to me that this administration could so quickly
reverse itself on this issue.
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Melanch. IR c8r ("paradoxum" "inopinatum");
Day 1599 90 ("paradoxon"); Putt. (1589) 233 ("paradoxon," "the wondrer")