Academic CoursesServed by Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of RhetoricSilva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric has become widely by teachers within a variety of fields as indicated here. |
Click on any of the following fields of study to see courses employing this web resource | |
Rhetorical Studies | |
Rhetoric (General) | |
History of Rhetoric | |
Communications Courses | |
Educational Technology | |
Writing | |
Rhetoric and Composition | |
Creative Writing | |
Classics | |
Greek and Latin Language and Literature | |
Literature Courses | |
Literature Courses (General) | |
Literary Analysis / Linguistics / Stylistics | |
Renaissance Courses | |
Humanities (General) | |
Law and Legal Studies | |
Biblical Studies | |
Psychology | |
Computing | |
Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia (Dr. Richard Nordquist) | | Listed for English 5730 U/G under "Rhetoric Resources" |
Stanford University (Dr. Christine Alfano, Program in Writing & Rhetoric) | | Listed for PWR2- "E-Rhetorics: Writing Persuasively in a Digital Age" |
Michigan State University (James E. Porter, instructor) | |
| cached Listed under WRA 361 - "Rhetoric, Persuasion, and Argument" Fall 2006 under "Useful Resources for Rhetoric Terminology" |
Michigan State University (James E. Porter, instructor) | |
| cached Listed under AL 805 - "Rhetoric Theory & History" under "Helpful Resources / Encyclopedias, Glossaries" |
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina | | Resource for course, "Communication 300: Classical Rhetoric" |
University of Texas at Dallas | | Resource for course, "History of Rhetoric" |
Mississippi State University English Department | | Listed under "Writing-related Resources" |
Capital Community College, Hartford, Connecticut |
| Listed under "Online Resources for Writers" |
University of Iowa Dept. of Communication Studies |
| Listed under "Humanities Resources" and "Writers' Tools" |
University of Texas at Dallas | | UTD Rhetoric Program Listed under "Writing Resources" |
University of Karlskrona/Ronneby (Sweden) | | Listed under Dept. of Humanities "Rhetoric and Composition Resources" |
CollegeWriting.US (University of South Florida site for First-Year Composition) | | Listed under "Readings > Thinking Rhetorically" |
Capital Community Collge, Hartford Connecticut |
| Listed under "Online Resources for Writers" Listed within Sentence Sense site under "Internet Resources for Writers" |
Eastern Oregon University English/Writing Links | | |
Pearson Longman Companion Website to A Meeting of Minds: A Brief Rhetoric for Writers and Readers | |,8239,1019949-,00.html Listed under "Online Resources for Instructors / Teaching Rhetoric and Composition" |
Houghton Mifflin (college division) Speech Communication Resource Center | | Listed under "Rhetorical Criticism and Rhetorical Theory" |
Stanford University Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) | | |
University of Massachussetts, Amherst Department of History | | Listed under "Writing (and Reading) Resources for Historians" |
Gonzaga University Writing Lab | | |
"Writing Courses: 21W.747 - Rhetoric" (MIT, Steve Strang, Director, Writing and Communications Center) | | Listed under "Rhetoric Web Sites" and cited as "A huge storehouse of information about rhetoric - definitions, key concepts, etc." |
University of Auckland, New Zealand Library | | Library Resources for English 121, “Reading/Writing/Text” selected Linda George, English Literature Subject Librarian |
See also Rhetoric and Composition Studies for sites devoted to scholarly research in this field that reference Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric |
Text Etc. (A website dealing with the craft and theory of poetry) | | Listed under "Poetry Writing Resources / Guides to Rhetoric" |
University of Missouri-Columbia Website of Dr. Donna Strickland, Assitant Professor of English |
| Resource for English 4040, "Writing Nonfiction Prose" |
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina | | Listed under "Tropes and Figures" as a resource for various Communications courses in classical rhetoric and rhetorical criticism |
St. Andrews School of English (Scotland, UK) | |
| cached Listed under Electronic Resources for Module EN4203: "Speeches and Speechwriting: History, Theory, and Practice" |
Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York | | Listed under Class Resources for Latin 204: Ovid |
Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota Website of Professor Terence Morrow |
| Recommended site for Dr. Morrow's courses in Classical Rhetorical Theory and Practice History and Criticism of American Public Address Contemporary Rhetorical Theory and Practice |
See also Classical Studies for sites devoted to scholarly research in this field that reference Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric |
EdSitement / Marco Polo Search (National Endowment for the Humanities) | | Listed under peer-reviewed websites in Literature and Language Arts |
W.W. Norton Website companion to “The Norton Reader” 11th edition (Linda H. Peterson, John C. Brereton) |
| Listed under “Spoken Word: Sites About Rhetoric” Annotation: “Silva Rhetoricae is a comprehensive site about rhetoric housed at the Brigham Young University Web site. The links on the left (under “Trees”) provide information about effective speaking and writing. Under “Canons of Rhetoric,” you’ll find a reference to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech and an example of a rhetorical analysis of his speech. Using this as a guide, conduct your own analysis of King’s use of Invention, Arrangement, Style, Memory, and Delivery. You may want to conduct some additional research to help in your analysis of the speeches below.” |
See also Literary Studies (General) for sites devoted to scholarly research in this field that reference Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric |
University of Tennessee-Martin, The Globe-Gate Project | | Explication de Texte: French Literary Analysis @ Globe-gate Listed under "English-Latin Language Resources" |
Dutch Electronic Subject Service | | Listed under "Rubriek: 17.62 algemene taalwetenschap: retorica, stilistiek" (general linguistics: rhetoric, stylistics) |
Grinnell College (Iowa) Libraries | | Listed under "Language and Literature" |
Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, Burrow Library | | Listed among Linguistics Resources |
Medfield (Massachusetts) Public Library: Virtual Reference Room | | Listed Under "Selected References: Words" |
Nipissing University (North Bay, Ontario, Canada) | |
Website of Professor Grant Williams Resource for course, "Imagining Early Modern Worlds" Listed under "The World of Learning: Rhetoric Sites" |
Queen Mary, University of London School of English and Drama (U.K.) (Rosanna Cox and Chloë Houston) | |,%20text%20print%20and%20theatre.pdf
| cached Listed under ESH-225: "Shakespeare: Text, Print and Theatre" / "Online" |
York University (Toronto, Ontario) (Dr. Peter Paolucci) | |
| cached Listed under first day lecture on stylistic analysis, English 3190A: Shakespeare |
See also Early Modern Studies for sites devoted to scholarly research in this field that reference Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric |
Educational Technology (EdTech "promotes the use of technology throughout the educational community to enhance achievement and productivity") | |
Home page: Direct link listed under "General Interest Sites" and cited for "a unique design that allows for quick and easy searching." |
University of Missouri-Columbia (Dr. Donna Strickland) | |
| cached Listed under English 4040 - "Blogging in Theory and Practice" Winter 2006 ("Figures of Order" assigned as reading in Unit 3 |
"Studies in Rhetoric: Computers and Writing" (George Mason University, Professor Byron Hawk) | | Listed in syllabus for English 611 (Fall 2005) under "Suggested readings" |
"Rhetoric, Textuality, Technology" (University of Texas, Dallas Rhetoric Program, Professor Cynthia Haynes) | | Listed in syllabus for graduate course HUSL 7331 under "Required Texts and Internet Resources" |
"Writing and Technology" (Pepperdine University, Lorien J. Goodman, Associate Professor of English Writing and Rhetoric)) | | Listed in syllabus for Eng 403 under online texts |
"Writing Hypertext" (Virginia Commonwealth University, Dr. Elizabeth Cooper and Michael Keller) | | Listed in syllabus for English 651 as a model under "Web Design" |
"Computing and Society" (Georgia Tech University, Dr. Ashok K. Goel, Director of the Design Intelligence Laboratory in Georgia Tech's College of Computing) | | Listed in syllabus for CS 4001A (Summer 2005) under "Resources" Listed in syllabus for CS 4001 (Summer 2006) under "Resources" (Instructor: Spencer Rugaber) |
"E-Rhetorics: Writing Persuasively in a Digital Age" (Stanford University, Dr. Christine Alfano of the Stanford Program in Writing & Rhetoric) | | Listed in syllabus for PWR2 (Fall 2004 course on oral and multimedia rhetoric) under Classical Rhetoric |
"Survey of Publishing: From Text to Hypertext" (Harvard University, James C. Morrison, Scholar-in-Residence, Dept. of Organizational and Political Communication, Emerson College) | | Listed under course syllabus for HUMAE-105 (Fall 2005) under "Survey of Publishing / Sites" |
“Rhetoric Theory & History” (Michigan State University, Writing in Digital Environments program, Dr. Jim Porter) | | Listed in syllabus for AL 805 (Fall 2005) under “Helpful Resources / Encyclopedias, Glossaries” |
"Wax Tablets of the Mind: History, Memory, Psychology" (Sarah Lawrence College, Dr. Elizabeth Johnston) | | Listed in Fall 2000 syllabus under "The Ars Memorativa: Places and Images / Additional Readings" |
Georgia Tech College of Computing (Dr. Spencer Rugaber) | | Listed under CS 4001 - "Computing and Society" Summer 2007 under "Resources and References: Rhetoric" |